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The Challenge: Establishing credibility for Non-technical Founders


Non-technical founders often encounter unique challenges when seeking support from venture capitalists (VCs) and engaging with the broader tech community. In a landscape dominated by technical expertise and industry jargon, non-technical founders may struggle to establish credibility and garner interest in their startup ideas. We are here to guide you through your tech journey.

Our Solution

iconPitch Deck Development

We will advise you on how to create a pitch deck that not only tells your story but also grabs investors’ attention.

iconMVP Development

We will help you turn your ideas into fully functional products (see our MVP development service).

iconFractional CTO/CPO

Our Founder can join your team as a fractional CTO or CPO to give your investors confidence that there is someone with significant senior-level experience behind the scene.

iconInnovation Support

Whether it’s enhancing an existing product or envisioning the next big thing, we help you move your product to the future state of innovation.

iconProduct Design Assistance

We will dive deep into understanding your products, creating wireframes, and collaborating with UX designers to develop prototypes that align with your vision.

iconUnderstanding and Building Technical Infrastructures

From designing cloud-based web systems to architecting scalable solutions, alphathesis can help you build and understand robust technical infrastructures.

iconTechnical Expertise

We will dive deep into understanding your products, creating wireframes, and collaborating with UX designers to develop prototypes that align with your vision.

iconUI/UX Evaluation

Let us evaluate your products and assess the viability of their user interfaces and experiences. Our evaluation will help you refine and enhance them.

iconComprehensive Documentation

From data model diagrams to technical roadmaps, we’ll ensure that your project is well-documented every step of the way.

iconDue Diligence Support

We can help you vet vendors and liaise with key stakeholders in partner organizations, ensuring that your partnerships are strategically aligned and well informed.

Hear what our Founders have to say about alphathesis!

Sonia Kabra

Sonia Kabra

Founder & CEO, BuuPass

"A harmonious fusion of tech acumen, strategic brilliance, and actionable insights" is the phrase that comes to mind when I think about Ashish. I had the privilege of collaborating with Ashish during a crucial phase of our startup, specifically when he aided us in hiring our CTO. His expertise didn't stop there; he helped structure our technology team and offered invaluable advice on scalability. Ashish is not just a consultant but also an angel investor who brings to the table a rich blend of both technology and business strategy. His insights have been instrumental in shaping our tech roadmap and fortifying our strategic initiatives. Above all, I was impressed with his commitment to adding genuine value, ensuring that his suggestions were always aligned with our long-term goals. His understanding of both tech and market dynamics, combined with a knack for fostering team growth, makes him an irreplaceable asset. Ashish is truly passionate about amplifying the success of companies he engages with. He would be an invaluable addition to any organization seeking seasoned guidance in technology, talent and strategy.


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